Friday, January 21, 2011

people! get over your selves!

  I want know why people are so dramatic.  It seems like every corner you turn some one is over exsaderating something.  I know some do it for attention, and some because of a chemical imbalances.  But what's every one else excuse?  Storming around is not going to get you anywhere.  All it dose is make every one you interact with mad and unpleasant to be around.  What really bugs me is when the person repeatedly gets away with storming around and throwing tantrums. And after their tantrum others go and coddle them. Like  they would do for a bratty 2 year old. In the end you are always the one who has to  apologizing for trying to get the dramatic person to do some thing that took any amount of effort.  To top it off you, the one who did nothing wrong, has to take the job them self or else it doesn't get done. 
   I hate it when people are so fragile that the wind from a mouse running by could knock them down.  And everyone they incounter has to walk on egg shells lest they disrupt the fragile being!
  News flash people, the world dose NOT, (I repeat for those of  you still coming out of the fog) does NOT,  revolve around you! Not every one is at your beck and call. Not everyone is going to treat you like royalty, or coddle you, or give you their undivided attention, And lest of all let you walk all over them!  NO! people will not!
  So suck it up!!! I for one will not be a coddler(one who coddles another)! People who are fragile just drive me bananas! What they need is a good slap in the face of reality!  I'm sick of having to be careful!  Sick of doing others work! Of having to get pulled around on their little personal roller coaster! I'm sick of it all! Just Buck Up! please! The world is not going to bow down to you. The sooner you figure it out the better it is for you, and the rest of the people having to endure your "long suffering". (gag me!!!)
heaving a big sigh. Sorry about this little out burst but it had to come out. And it's far better to do it here rather then in a few select peoples faces. Bigger "sigh" alright I'm done.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Dark Ages

  Winter is always dark and gloomy.  Just like the dark ages. Your own light and knowledge seem to vanish with the sun.  You get cabin fever no matter how ofter you go out.  And you feel like you are sinking in to a hole and will never be able to surface again.  So you sleep all day long.  Staying in pjs even if you do get out of bed.  Cooking is to much effort so you go to a fast food place and use the drive through,gaining weight in the prosses.  Which just makes you that much worse.  Then comes the watch and read of sappy depressing movies and books.  And you slowly become late for more and more things.  But sudenly the sun comes out and the sky is blue, you feel like your reason to live just came back.  ( because it did! ) you want to tell the world! "I'm back"! you smile all day long. Going to bed that night happy for the first time in ages. Just to wake up again and find out the weather was just playing with your head. For the next week there's snow and fog. you can't even imagine how the sky was ever blue. So you sink back, into your depressing hole of nothingness.  Winter is so fun for some people.  The only thing I love about winter is when it's over, well and skating. 
  skating is the only thing that keeps me sane.  If  I miss for a week no one likes to even get close to me. I go on cleaning rampages. which only fuels my frustration because I can't find any thing afterword.
   if  you meet me in the winter.  I'm sorry.  I am normally a much happier, funner person.  this is a depressing post so I'll just stop.